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iPhone Archive

How to Enable Lost Mode on iPhone & iPad

Lost your iPhone or any other iOS device, then Find My iPhone is the first step to protect your device from falling into the hands of irresponsible. This feature will be useful in tracking the device and even makes the device lock, thereby making ...Read More

Download Stick Cricket 2 for Android, iPhone and iPad

Stick Sports Ltd, the developers of Stick Cricket sports game released all new “Stick Cricket 2” for cricket lovers. The game is already available to download for both Android and iOS platforms. Currently Cricket World Cup 2015 is in progress and the Stick Sports ...Read More

iPhone 6 VS Samsung Galaxy S6: Quick Specs Comparison

Apple iPhone 6 VS Samsung Galaxy S6 Camera, Battery Software Comparison Samsung officially launched its latest flagship smartphone dubbed as “Samsung Galaxy S6” in the event being held at the Mobile World Congress 2015 in Barcelona, Spain. The Galaxy S6 will be taking on ...Read More