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TWRP Archive

How to Root Asus ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL

After posting a brief tutorial on how to install TWRP Recovery on Asus ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL, we are back with another quick guide. With this, you can easily root your ZenFone Selfie through recovery. Root access on any Android device unlocks extra features like ...Read More

How to Root LG V10 H901 with SuperSU

SuperSU with version 2.56 now can root your LG V10 H901 Android smartphone. Chainfire, the developer of SuperSU was already in a project to develop new build of SuperSU which doesn’t interrupts Google regular OTA updates for Nexus devices or other OEM smartphones. Here ...Read More

TWRP Recovery for Asus ZenFone Selfie ZD551KL

TWRP Recovery is a custom recovery for Android-based devices which allows users to install third-party custom rom and also to gain root access. It also helpful in taking backup of current stable rom which can’t be perform by stock recovery. Seeing this many advantages, ...Read More

How to install TWRP Recovery on HTC One E8

Want to install custom recovery on HTC One E8, so that you can install Custom ROM’s, flash zip mods, Custom Kernels etc. TWRP recovery also allows you to create a Nandroid Backup, so that you can restore it whenever you have soft broken your ...Read More